2D arrays, declaration, initialization, memory, getting length
C# Two dimensional arrays:
I. Declaring and initializing 2D array: [Starts at: 00min:00sec]
II. Memory representation of 2D array : [Starts at: 02min:03sec]
III. Different ways of initializing 2D array members: [Starts at: 08min:53sec]
IV. Length property Vs. GetLength method: [Starts at: 14min:43sec]
using UnityEngine;
public class ArraysDemo : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
// Declaring and initializing an array variable
int[,] numbers1 = new int[2,2];
// 1.way : initializing array members
int[,] numbers2 = new int[2, 2]{
// 2. way: initializing array members
int[,] numbers3 = new int[, ]{
// 3. way: initializing array members
int[,] numbers4 = {
// setting values
numbers2 [0, 0] = 10;
// getting values
Debug.Log (numbers2 [0, 0]); // 10
Debug.Log (numbers2.Length); // 4 : total elements
Debug.Log (numbers2.GetLength (0)); // 2: total number of rows
Debug.Log (numbers2.GetLength (1)); // 2: total number of cols
// Note arrays must of same dimention
// To utilize memory in C# we have jagged arrays
// Will talk about them later