Understanding Unity File Menu
Understanding Unity File Menu - All Commands Explained:
Unity File Menu:
New Scene (Ctrl+N)
Open Scene... (Ctrl+O)
Save Scenes... (Ctrl+S)
Save Scene as... (Ctrl+Shift+S)
New Project...
Open Project...
Save Project
Build Settings... (Ctrl+Shift+B)
Build & Run (Ctrl+B)
Exit (Alt+F4)
Scene in Unity is a wrapper for a screen, game level or film scene
Ex: Splash / welcome screen, Menu screen, Level1, Level2, Game over screen, Settings screen, climax scene, hero intro scene etc.
Whenever we want to create a new screen, game level or film scene; we create a new scene
Project is generally a wrapper for assets, metadata, or anything that is required to develop some product (Ex: game, simulation, film).
Whenever we want to create a new product; we create a new project
Build: (product)
The process of converting a source code to an executable code, which can be run by itself
i.e. a process of converting a project to a product.
Ex: .exe (executable) : windows; .apk (android package): android etc.
File menu commands:
New Scene (Ctrl+N):
New Scene command allows us to create a new scene.
Open Scene... (Ctrl+O):
Open Scene command allows us to open already created scene.
Save Scenes... (Ctrl+S):
Save Scene command allows us to save the currently opened scene.
Save Scene as... (Ctrl+Shift+S):
Save Scene as command allows us to save the newly created / currently opened scene.
New Project... :
New Project command allows us to create a new project.
Open Project...:
Open Project command allows us to open already created project.
Save Project:
Save Project command allows us to save the currently opened project.
Build Settings... (Ctrl+Shift+B):
The Build Settings command allows us to adjust settings for the build, switch targeted build platform, select scenes to be added to the build etc.
Build & Run (Ctrl+B):
Build & Run command allows us build as well as run the build (product) on the targeted platform.
Exit (Alt+F4):
Exit command allows us to exit from the Unity application.