Introduction to Code Blocks IDE


Introduction to Code Blocks IDE :

Code blocks software is a free, easy to use, open source, cross platform IDE.

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment.

Code blocks software is a development environment for C and C++ applications.

Code blocks software is integrated with different tools like editor, compiler, debugger and many other tools, which are essentials for creating any C or C++ applications.

Code Blocks IDE: Integrated Development Environment
: Environment:-
Stands for combination of variety soft-wares or tools meant for specific purpose.

: Development Environment:-
Develop C applications.
Develop C++ applications.
Develop games.
Develop simulations. etc.

: Integrated Development Environment:-
Editor: edit C or C++ codes
Compiler: to compile, build and run
Debugger: to debug code.

Code blocks UI: User Interface
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Tool Bars Area
Manager Panel
Starter page
Logs panel