Program to find Range of all Data Types in C++
C++ Program to print Range of all Data Types:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "char min = " << CHAR_MIN << endl; // -128
cout << "char max = " << CHAR_MAX << endl; // 127
cout << "signed char min = " << SCHAR_MIN << endl; // -128
cout << "signed char max = " << SCHAR_MAX << endl; // 127
cout << "unsigned char min = " << 0 << endl; // 0
cout << "unsigned char max = " << UCHAR_MAX << endl; // 255
cout << endl;
cout << "wchar_t min = " << WCHAR_MIN << endl; // 0
cout << "wchar_t max = " << WCHAR_MAX << endl; // 65535
cout << endl;
cout << "int min = " << INT_MIN << endl; // -2,147,483,648
cout << "int max = " << INT_MAX << endl; // 2,147,483,647
cout << "signed int min = " << INT_MIN << endl; // -2,147,483,648
cout << "signed int max = " << INT_MAX << endl; // 2,147,483,647
cout << "unsigned int min = " << 0 << endl; // 0
cout << "unsigned int max = " << UINT_MAX << endl; // 4294967295
cout << endl;
cout << "short int min = " << SHRT_MIN << endl; //-32,768
cout << "short int max = " << SHRT_MAX << endl; // 32,767
cout << "signed short int min = " << SHRT_MIN << endl; //-32,768
cout << "signed short int max = " << SHRT_MAX << endl; // 32,767
cout << "unsigned short int min = " << 0<< endl; //0
cout << "unsigned short int max = " << USHRT_MAX << endl; // 65535
cout << endl;
cout << "long int min = " << LONG_MIN << endl; // -2,147,483,648
cout << "long int max = " << LONG_MAX<< endl; // 2,147,483,647
cout << "signed long int min = " << LONG_MIN << endl; // -2,147,483,648
cout << "signed long int max = " << LONG_MAX << endl; // 2,147,483,647
cout << "unsigned long int min = " << 0 << endl; // 0
cout << "unsigned long int max = " << ULONG_MAX << endl; // 4294967295
cout << endl;
cout << "float min = " << FLT_MIN << endl; // 1.2E-38
cout << "float max = " << FLT_MAX << endl; // 3.4E+38
cout << endl;
cout << "double min = " << DBL_MIN << endl; // 2.3E-308
cout << "double max = " << DBL_MAX << endl; // 1.7E+308
cout << endl;
cout << "long double min = " << LDBL_MIN << endl; // 3.3E-4932
cout << "long double max = " << LDBL_MAX << endl; // 1.2E+4932
cout << endl;
cout << "float precision = " << FLT_DIG << endl; // 6
cout << "double precision = " << DBL_DIG << endl; // 15
cout << "long double precision = " << LDBL_DIG << endl; // 18
cout << endl;
cout << "bool min = " << 0 << endl; // 0
cout << "bool max = " << 1 << endl; // 1
cout << endl;
return 0;