How to use Rectangle Tool in Adobe Flash
How to use Rectangle Tool in Adobe Flash
5. Rectangle Tool (R) : in Adobe Flash
- is used to draw rectangular shapes i.e. rectangles, squares etc.
Rectangle Properties:
Stroke Color
Fill Color
Stroke Size
Stroke Style (Hairline, Solid, dashed, dotted, ragged, stippled, Hatched)
Cap (None, Round, Square)
Join (Round, Bevel, Miter)
Rectangle Options:
- is used to draw rounded rectangles
Lock Corner Radius Icon:
- Lock to handle rounding of all corners at a time (i.e. -100 to 0 to +100))
- Unlock to handle rounding of all corners independently
Reset Button:
- is used to reset all corners of a rectangle to 0 and lock the lock corner radius icon
Keys used with Rectangle Tool:
Shift Key for perfect Square
Alt key for drawing from center out
Shift + Alt for prefect square & center out
Using Selection Tool with Rectangle Shape:
- Click on the fill to select the fill
- Click on the stroke to select the stroke
- Double click on the stroke to select the entire stroke
- Double click on the fill to select the entire shape
- For multiple selection use Shift key
- Click on the object to select entire object
Difference between Vector Shape and Drawing Object:
- When we place vector shapes on top of one another on a same layer then they start cutting each other
- Drawing object is a wrapper for vector shapes. When drawn on top of one another on a same layer they don't cut each other