How to use Text Tool in Adobe Flash Part3


20. Text Tool: (T) – Part 3

Behavior Setting:

Static Text: Used to display static content, which never changes
- has no behaviors to set

Dynamic Text: Used to display dynamic content, which changes over time
- Single Line: displays text in single line
- Multiline: displays text in multiple lines
- Multiline no wrap: displays text in multiple lines only if we use line breaks

Input Text: Used to get user inputs
- Single Line: accepts text in single line
- Multiline: accepts text in multiple lines
- Multiline no wrap: accepts text in multiple lines only if we use line breaks
- Password: accepts text in single line but displays as asterisk symbols

Options Setting:

Static Text & Dynamic Text:
- Link: allows us to set link to a resource (i.e. URL)
- Target: _blank (opens page in new tab), _self (opens page in same tab)

Input Text:
- Max Chars: allows us to set maximum characters the input text accepts