Operators, Arithmetic Operators
I. Introduction to operators : [ Starts At: 00min:00sec]
II. Arithmetic operators : [ Starts At: 03min:43sec]
I. Introduction to operators : [ Starts At: 00min:00sec]
Operators in C#:
C# has rich set of built-in operators used to perform various operations like arithmetic, logical, relational etc. on data of different types
Unary Operators: accept only one operand
Ex: !, sizeof, +, -, ++, --, ~ etc.
Binary Operators: accept two operands
Ex: Others are binary
Ternary Operators: accept three operands
Ex: ?:
Different types of operators in C#:
L - logical operators
A - arithmetic operators
R - relational operators
A - assignment operators
(C# Shorthand Arithmetic Assignment SAA operators )
B - bit-wise operators
I - increment and decrements operator
C - conditional operator
S - special operators
II. Arithmetic operators : [ Starts At: 03min:43sec]
Example Code:
using UnityEngine;
public class OperatorsDemo : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
Debug.Log ("Arithmetic Operators");
Debug.Log (2 + 3); // 5 (sum) Movement
Debug.Log (2 - 3); //-1 (difference) Movement
Debug.Log (2 * 3); // 6 (product) scaling
Debug.Log (10 / 2); // 5 (quotient) descale
Debug.Log (10 % 2); // 0 (remainder) limitation
Debug.Log ('A' + 'A'); // 65 + 65 = 130
Debug.Log ("Hello " + "Unity!"); // Hello Unity! (Concatenation)
Debug.Log (9 / 2); // 4
Debug.Log ((float)9 / (float)2); // 4.5
Debug.Log (9.0f / 2.0f); // 4.5
// Debug.Log(9/0); // int/int = divided by zero exception
Debug.Log(9.0f/0.0f); // float/float = "Infinity" as the output
Limiting the result using % (mod) operator:
0 % 2 = 0
1 % 2 = 1
2 % 2 = 0
3 % 2 = 1
4 % 2 = 0
5 % 2 = 1
1. Try to reduce division operations,
If possible convert division expressions to multiplication
Because division operations take more time than multiplication.
2. Try to reduce floating point operations,
If possible convert floating point expression or variables to integer
Because floating point takes more time and space than integers