Control statements, if else conditional statement


I. Sequential statements: [Starts at: 00min:00sec]
II. C# control statements: [Starts at : 07min:02sec]
III. if, if else statements: [Starts at: 14min:58sec]

Abu Jaffer Muhammad Ibn Musa Alkhwarizmi (Father of algorithms) and
Niklaus Wirth (Swiss computer scientist) stated that
"We can solve any problem just by having 4 types of statements"
1. Sequential statements
2. Conditional statements
3. Looping statements
4. Jumping statements

Control flow of execution is sequential i.e.
Statements are executed from top to down one after the another

I. Sequential statements: [Starts at: 00min:00sec]
Any statement that does not break the flow of execution is called as sequential statement
Variable declaration statements
Assignment statements
Expression statements

Example Code:
using UnityEngine;
public class ControlsDemo : MonoBehaviour
void Start ()
// Sequential statements
// Do not break the flow of execution of code
Debug.Log ("Hello unity 1");
//Debug.Log ("Hello unity 2"); // wan to skip 2, 3, and 4 statements
//Debug.Log ("Hello unity 3"); // only option is to comment
//Debug.Log ("Hello unity 4");
Debug.Log ("Hello unity 5");
Debug.Log ("Hello unity 6");

// Can not control the execution of code
int a = 10;
Debug.Log ("a is equal to 10");
// we should control the execution
// I should not execute below statement right
Debug.Log ("a is not equal to 10");


II. C# control statements: [Starts at : 07min:02sec]
Help us to get the control over flow of execution of code

Classification Of Control Statements:

Conditional / selection statements:
allows us to take different flow of execution, depending on the result of given condition
if else
else if ladder
switch case

Looping / iterative statements :
allows us to execute block of code repeatedly as long as the condition is true.
do while
for each

Jumping/ branching statements:
allows us to perform immediate transfer of the program control anywhere in the code.

III. if, if else statements: [Starts at: 14min:58sec]
The if statement selects a statement for execution based on the result of boolean expression

if(expression) statement1;
[else statement2;]

// true part statements;
// false part statements;

Example Code:
using UnityEngine;
public class ConditionalStatements : MonoBehaviour {
void Start () {
int a = 11;
if (a == 10) {
Debug.Log ("a is equal to 10");
} else {
Debug.Log ("a is not equal to 10");