Assembly Browser, References Folder, Documentation


I. Understanding C# Assembly : [ Starts At = 03min:47sec ]
II. Understanding Assembly Browser : [ Starts At = 06min:13sec ]
III. Getting help about any script : [ Starts At = 11min:35sec ]
IV. Understanding References folder : [ Starts At = 14min:55sec ]
V. Understanding the ultimate base class Object : [ Starts At = 17min:18sec ]
VI. Understanding abstraction : [ Starts At = 20min:23sec ]

I. Understanding C# Assembly : [ Starts At = 03min:47sec ]
Assembly is a file that is automatically generated by the compiler upon successful compilation of every .NET application.
It is generated only once and updated on each compilation.

Types of Assembly:
DLL (Dynamic Link Lirary) : collection of namespaces
DLL files are not self executable
To execute codes in DLL files we need to take help of some executable file
Example : mscorlib.dll, UnityEngine.dll

EXE (Executable) : (Final output)
EXE files are self executable

using UnityEngine;
public class FirstScript : MonoBehaviour {
void Start ()
print ("Hello Unity");
Debug.Log ("Hello Unity");

II. Understanding Assembly Browser : [ Starts At = 06min:13sec ]
The Assembly Browser de compiles managed code and displays it in your Mono Develop IDE.
Assembly browser is an useful tool to see what is there in assemblies like DLL files.

UnityEngine.dll: contains collection of namespaces

mscorlib.dll : contains collection of namespaces

mscorlib.dll from C#.NET + UnityEngine.dll from Unity = Project

Assembly browser can be used to find where is what.
Step 1:
Right click on the word
Step 2:
Select Go to Declaration option

III. Getting help about any script : [ Starts At = 11min:35sec ]
Step 1.
Goto Unity IDE
Step 2:
Goto Help Menu
Step 3:
Select "Scripting Reference" option
Step 4:
Type the Class name in the search box in the browser and hit enter
Step 5:
Use Ctrl + f to find a specific property or a method

IV. Understanding References folder : [ Starts At = 14min:55sec ]
It contains collection of DLL files refered by the project

From C#.NET :

From Unity:

V. Understanding the ultimate base class object : [ Starts At = 17min:18sec ]
object class:
Is a mother of all classes in C#
Is inherited by every class in the .NET framework
Provides low level services to the derived class
Is the root of type heirarchy
Is ultimate base class

VI. Understanding abstraction : [ Starts At = 20min:23sec ]
Hiding unnesessory information from the user or
Providing only necessory information to the user

Syntax of Debug.Log:
public static void Log(object message);
public static void Log(object message, Object context);

print method implicitly calls Debug.Log (1 of 2), hides the context from us.
So that we need not to worry about the context.