What is Unity Scripting API


What is Unity Scripting API?

Unity Scripting API:
- Unity Scripting API is a collection of namespaces; which allow us to work with various features of Unity game engine and extend Unity editor

- Namespace is a collection of classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations, events, delegates etc. meant to handle a specific task
- Ex: UnityEngine, UnityEditor, System etc.

UnityEngine namespace:
- is a collection of prebuilt classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations, events, delegates etc. which allow us to work with various features of Unity game engine
- Ex: Physics, Particle, Animations, UI, Rendering, Audio, etc.

UnityEditor namespace:
- is a collection of prebuilt classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations, events, delegates etc. which allow us to extend Unity editor
- Ex: Custom inspectors, Custom editor windows etc.

System namespace:
- is a collection of prebuilt classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations, events, delegates etc. which allow us to create and use most commonly used data structures
- Ex: List, Stack, Queue, Dictionary, etc.

Note: Namespace may contain zero or more sub namespaces.