Game Object Menu - Creating Commands


Game Object Menu - Creating Commands :

Create Empty (Ctrl+Shift+N):
Create Empty Child (Alt+Shift+N):

3D Object:
2D Object:
Particle System:

Center On Children:

Make Parent:
Clear Parent:

Apply Changes To Prefab:
Break Prefab Instance:

Set as first sibling (Ctrl+=):
Set as last sibling (Ctrl+-):

Move To View (Ctrl+Alt+F):
Align With View(Ctrl+Shift+F):
Align View To Selected:

Toggle Active State(Alt+Shift+A):

Game Object menu Commands related to creating game objects:====

Create Empty (Ctrl+Shift+N):
Create Empty command allows us to create an empty game object at the root level.

Create Empty Child (Alt+Shift+N):
Create Empty Child command allows us to create an empty child game object under a selected game object.

3D Object:
3D Object command allows us to create prebuilt 3D objects like cube, sphere, capsule, plain, quad, cylinder, terrain, trees, wind zone, 3D text etc.

2D Object:
2D Object command allows us to create 2D objects like sprite.
Note: For blueprints, backgrounds, etc.

Light command allows us to create various lights like direction, point, spot, & area light, reflection probe, probe group etc.

Audio command allows us to create audio source & audio reverb zone.

Video command allows us to create video player object

UI command allows us to create various 2D UI objects like text, image, button, toggle button, slider, scroll bar, input field, dropdown control, panel, scroll view, canvas etc.

Particle System:
Particle System command allows us to create particle system object.

Camera command allows us to create camera object.