Understanding Unity Assets Menu
Unity Assets Menu - All commands explained :
Show in Explorer:
Open Scene Additive:
Import New Asset...:
Import Package:
Export Package...:
Find References In Scene:
Select Dependencies:
Refresh (Ctrl+R):
Reimport All:
Run API Updater...:
Open C# Project:
Assets menu commands:
Create command allows us to create wide variety of assets.
Show in Explorer:
Show in Explorer command allows us to show selected asset in the file explorer
Open command allows us to open selected asset.
Based on the type of asset it gets open in the respective editor. Using Edit – Preferences we can control the image and script application.
Delete command allows us to delete selected asset.
Open Scene Additive:
Open Scene Additive command allows us to open multiple scenes at a time.
Steps: Select a scene in the project panel - Assets Menu - Open Scene Additive.
Import New Asset...:
Import New Asset command allows us to import new asset (Single file).
If you want to import a folder you must drag and drop.
Import Package:
Import Package command allows us to import a package.
Export Package...:
Export Package command allows us to export a package.
Find References in Scene:
Find References in Scene command allows us to find all game objects which are referring the currently selected asset.
Select Dependencies:
Select Dependencies command allows us to select assets on which the currently selected asset depends up on.
Refresh command allows us to refresh selected asset.
Re-import command allows us to re-import selected asset.
If you do any modifications to any asset externally then you must re-import that asset so that all the modifications get apply.
Reimport All:
Reimport All command allows us to re-import all assets.
Run API Updater...:
Run API Updater command allows us to update deprecated codes (codes written using older API) to the codes according to the newer / current API.
this.collider.GetType(); // older style of getting components
this.GetComponent<Collider>().GetType (); // newer style of getting components
Note: Except the transform component all other components must be accessed using GetComponent<ComponentName>() method.
Open C# Project:
Open C# project command allows us to open the C# project in the respective script editor.
Note: Every Unity project is associated with a C# project, you can open that using Open C# project command.