Understanding Unity Edit Menu
Understanding Unity Edit Menu - All Commands Explained:
Edit menu:
Undo (Ctrl+Z):
Redo (Ctrl+Y):
Cut (Ctrl+X):
Copy (Ctrl+C):
Paste (Ctrl+V):
Duplicate (Ctrl+D):
Delete (Shift+Del):
Frame Selected (F):
Lock View to Selected (Shift+F):
Find (Ctrl+F):
Select All (Ctrl+A):
Preferences... :
Modules... :
Play (Ctrl+P):
Pause (Ctrl+Shift+P):
Step (Ctrl+Alt+P):
Sign in... :
Sign out:
Project Settings:
Graphics Emulation:
Network Emulation:
Snap Settings... :
Edit menu commands:
Undo (Ctrl+Z):
Undo command is used to reverse the last action
Redo (Ctrl+Y):
Redo command is used to reverse the last undo action
Cut (Ctrl+X):
Cut is used to remove the content and place in the clip board
Copy (Ctrl+C):
Copy is used to copy the content and place in the clip board
Paste (Ctrl+V):
Paste is used to paste the content that is cut or copied in the clip board
Duplicate (Ctrl+D):
Duplicate command is used to create duplicates of a selected object
Delete (Shift+Del):
Delete command is used to delete a selected object
Renaming an object:
Select the object and press F2 Key
Frame Selected (F):
Frame command is used to frame or focus on a selected object (centers the viewport on selected object)
Select the game object in the heirarchy panel -
move the mouse pointer into the scene view -
press F key
Lock View to Selected (Shift+F):
Lock View to Selected command is used to frame or focus on moving selected object and lock the viewport.
Find (Ctrl+F):
Find command is used to find an object in a view or panel
Select All (Ctrl+A):
Select All command is used to select all the content in a view
Preferences... :
Preferences command allows us to customize or adjust the behavior of the Unity Editor like;
compress Assets during import or not,
load the Previousproject on startup or not,
which application can open the script and image files,
customize colors of various UI elements,
customize the shortcut keys, etc.
Modules... :
Modules command displays the list of loaded Unity modules in a Module manager.
Play (Ctrl+P):
Play command allows us to play, stop and test the game (or simulation, film)
Pause (Ctrl+Shift+P):
Pause command allows us to pause and resume the game (or simulation, film) play
Step (Ctrl+Alt+P):
Step command allows us to play the game (or simulation, film) frame by frame
Sign in... :
Sign in command allows us to sign in to Unity account
Sign out:
Sign out command allows us to sign out from the Unity account
Selection: max 10 selections
Selection command allows us to save any selections and load any already saved selections.
Project Settings:
Project Settings command allows us to customize or adjust various functionalities of Unity with respect to currently working project like;
Input controls: horizontal, vertical keys etc,
create, delete: Tags, Layers, Sorting Layers etc,
Audio settings: max volume (global volume) of game sound etc,
Time settings: physics time step, max frame time, time scale etc,
Physics settings: gravity of the world, default physics material game objects etc,
Player settings: logo for the game, splash screen, etc,
Quality settings: rendering graphics, how shadows should be rendered etc,
Editor settings: select the device to run, compression format of assets, etc.
Graphics settings: shaders, camera, resolution quality etc,
Network settings: frequency of data transferred over the network etc.,
modify script execution order etc.
Graphics Emulation:
is used to test how the game gets rendered on various graphics cards
Network Emulation:
is used to test how the game plays on various network bandwidths
Snap Settings... :
is used to customize the snapping behavior while moving, rotating or scaling game objects in the scene