How to import and use Fonts in Unity


How to Import Custom Fonts into Unity:
How to Use Fonts in Unity

Assets: Font

Font defines the size, style and weight of the text
Ex: TTF, OTF etc.
TTF: True Type Font
OTF: Open Type Font

Types of fonts: Serif & Sans-serif
Serif fonts: add some extra decoration at the end of strokes, where as Sans-serif does not.
Serif fonts ex:
Times New Roman, Century, Bookman Old Style, Georgia etc.
Sans-serif fonts ex:
Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Calibri etc.

Steps to import:
Assets Menu - Import New Asset - Select a font file - Import

Steps to apply imported font:
Game Object Menu - UI - Text
Select Text Object - Go to Inspector - Click on Font property - select the font