Precedence & Associativity of Operators in ActionScript


Precedence & Associativity of Operators in ActionScript Language:

While evaluating a given expression; which operator should be evaluated first before the other?
I.e. which operator needs to be given higher precedence than the other? is determined by precedence.

If same operator appears one or more times in an expression, in which direction the specific operator(s) need to be evaluated is determined by associativity.

a = 3 * 5 + 4 / 2 + 3 + 20 -10

Precedence and associativity of Action Script operators table:
Note: lower the precedence level number higher the precedence

P. Level Precedence
1 P: Parenthesis
2 U: Unary (Right to Left associativity)
3 M: Multiplicative
4 A: Additive
5 S: Shift
6 R: Relational
7 E: Equality
8 B: Bitwise
9 L: Logical
10 C: Conditional
11 A: Assignment (Right to Left associativity)
12 C: Comma

Example code:
var a:Number = 2 + 2 + 2;
trace(a); // 6
var b:Number = 2 + 3 * 5;
trace(b); // 17 not 25
var c:Number = 3 * 5 + 4 / 2 + 3;
trace(c); // 20 not 12.5
var d:Number = 3 * (5 +4) / 2 +3;
trace(d); // 16.5
var e:Number = 3 * 5 + 4 / 2 + 3 + 20 -10;
trace(e); // 30