Functions in C Programming Language
Functions in C Programming Language:
- A function is a reusable block of code with name, meant to perform a specific task
- Whenever we want to perform a specific task, we create a function in C
Ex: add, subtract, square, sort, search, etc.
Note: To perform a specific task, first we must declare and define a function for it
Syntax for declaring a function is:
return_type functionName([datatype param1,datetype param2, …. , datetype paramN]);
Ex: void wishHi(); // prototype of wishHi function
- Declaration of a function is also called a prototype of a function.
- prototype of a function tells to the compiler what is the name of the function, what is the return type of the function, how many parameters a function accepts, and data type of each parameter.
Syntax for defining a function is:
- Defining a function means implementing a function, i.e. adding body to the function
return_type functionName ([datatype param1,datetype param2, …. , datetype paramN])
statement(s) to be executed;
[return returningValue;]
Ex: // definition of a wishHi function
void wishHi()
Note: a function gets executed only when it is called
Syntax for calling a function is:
functionName( [ param1, param2 …. paramN ] );
wishHi(); // calling wishHi function
Note: if it is required; we can call and execute a function n number of times.
Why Functions?
Functions are created for:
- manageability (i.e. to divide a larger problem into smaller tasks or modules)
- reusability (i.e. once a function is defined, it can be used multiple times)
- abstraction (i.e. hiding the way how tasks are done) (creating libraries)
Example Code:
#include <stdio.h>
void wishHi();
int main()
return 0;
void wishHi()