Operators in C Programming Language


Operators in C programming language:

- is a valid combination of operators and operands, on evaluation it yields a result
Ex: 2 + 2, 10 – 2 etc.

- is a symbol which performs an operation on the given operand(s).

- is a value on which an operator performs an operation.

Operators in any programming language are broadly categorized into
Unary Operators: accept only one operand.
Binary Operators: accept two operands.
Ternary Operators: accept three operands

Types of C Operators: LARA BICS
- C provides rich set of operators to perform arithmetic, logical, comparison, etc.

L – Logical Operators : (&&, || , !)
A – Arithmetic Operators : (+, -, *, /, %)
R – Relational Operators : (<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=)
A – Assignment Operators : (= , SHA/AA: (+=, -=, *=, /=,%=))

B – Bitwise Operators : (&, |, ~, ^, <<, >>)
I – Increment and Decrement Operators : (++ , --)
C – Conditional Operator : (?:)
S – Special Operators : sizeof, &, *, etc.