Pointer Addition & Subtraction in C


Pointer Addition & Subtraction Operations in C Programming Language:

2. Addition and subtraction operations: pointer arithmetic in c
- To navigate from one memory location to another memory location of the same type directly; an integer value can be added to or subtracted from a pointer variable.

Note: the amount of value added to or subtracted from a pointer variable depends upon the size of its type

pointerVariable + integerValue;
// expanded to pointerVariable + (integerValue * size of the its type)
pointerVariable - integerValue;
// expanded to pointerVariable - (integerValue * size of the its type)

Ex 1: int *iptr;

iptr = iptr + value;
// expanded to iptr = iptr + (value * size of the int type)

iptr = iptr + 1;
// expanded to iptr = iptr + (1 * 4); === iptr = iptr + 4;
iptr points to Nextint type memory location ; which is 4 bytes away from the current memory location

Ex 2: short int *sptr;

sptr = sptr + value;
// expanded to sptr = sptr + (value * size of the short int type)

sptr = sptr + 1;
// expanded to sptr = sptr + (1 * 2); === sptr = sptr + 2;
sptr points to Nextshort int type memory location ; which is 2 bytes away from the current memory location

Ex 3: char *cptr;

cptr = cptr + value;
// expanded to cptr = cptr + (value * size of the char type)

cptr = cptr + 1;
// expanded to cptr = cptr + (1 * 1); === cptr = cptr + 1;
cptr points to Nextchar type memory location ; which is 1 byte away from the current memory location

Example Code:
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int numbers[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *iptr = &numbers[0]; // #20

printf("Value at iptr is pointing =%d\n",*iptr); // 1

iptr = iptr + 2; // iptr = #28
printf("Value at iptr is pointing =%d\n",*iptr); // 3

iptr = iptr + 2; // iptr = #36
printf("Value at iptr is pointing =%d\n",*iptr); // 5

iptr = iptr - 4; // iptr = #20
printf("Value at iptr is pointing =%d\n",*iptr); // 1

return 0;