Data Type Modifiers in C++
Data Type Modifiers in C++ Programming Language:
Data type modifiers are keywords used to modify the properties of few primitive data types; so that we can be able to utilize the computer memory efficiently.
With the help of data type modifiers; we can modify the:
- size (i.e. the amount of memory to be allocated for specific type of data)
- sign (i.e. the range of values possible to store inside a specific type of allocated memory)
There are 4 data type modifiers:
1 short : is used to decreases the size of a primitive data type
2 long : is used to increases the size of a primitive data type
i.e. using short and long data type modifiers; we can modify the size of a primitive data type
3 signed : is used to indicate the allocated memory can hold both +ve and –ve values
4 unsigned : is used to indicate the allocated memory can hold only +ve values
i.e. using signed and unsigned data type modifiers; we can modify the range of a primitive data type