Tokens of C++


Tokens of C++ Programming Language:

Tokens of C++ Language: C KICS OS
(“Smallest Unit” of any programming language is generally called as a Token (word))

C – Comments.
K – Keywords and Data Types
I – Identifiers
C – Constants and Variables
S – Strings and Characters
O – Operators : LARA BICS
- L – Logical (&&, || ,!)
- A – Arithmetic (+, - , *, /, %)
- R – Relational (<, >, <=, >=, ==, ! =)
- A – Assignment (=)
- o Short Hand Assignment : (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>= etc.)
- B – Bitwise (&,|, ~, ^)
- o Bitwise Shift ( <<, >>)
- I – Increment and Decrement (++, -- )
- C – Conditional ( ?: )
- S – Special ( sizeof , &, *, **, ::, ::*, ->*,.*, Comma, Dot, ->, (type),new, delete,endl,setw )
- o - Precedence and associativity of operators – P UMASRE BLCAC
S – Separators. ([] (Square Brackets), ; (Semicolon), , (comma), {} (Block separator) and more)