How to use Bone Tool in Adobe Flash


How to use Bone Tool in Adobe Flash

22. Bone Tool: (M) in Adobe Flash
- is used to insert virtual bones in an artwork and animate it

Steps to work with bone tool:
- Select a symbol or multiple symbols to be animated
- Click and drag from one symbol to another symbol to create a bone
- To create an additional bone; Click and drag from the head or tail of a created bone to another symbol
- Bone tool places all created bones & associated symbols in to a single Armature layer

Selecting Bones:
- To select an individual bone, click on the bone with the Selection tool
- To select multiple bones, you must use shift key
- To select all the bones in the armature layer, double-click on any bone

IK Bone Properties: Inverse Kinematics
- allow us to control the freedom of translation & rotation of a selected bone

Parent, Child, Previoussibling & Nextsibling buttons:
- allow us to move the bone selection

Instance name text box:
- allows us to set name to a selected bone

- allows us to pin the tail of a selected bone(s) to the stage
- allows us to control the speed of translation and rotation

Joint Rotation:
- allows us to constrain the rotation of a bone to a specific angle
Joint X Translation:
- allows us to constrain the translation of a bone along x axis
Joint Y Translation:
- allows us to constrain the translation of a bone along y axis

- indicates stiffness of the spring; higher the value to increase the stiffness of the spring
- indicates the percentage of spring effect to reduce; higher the value to dampen faster